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AI can take over key management roles in scientific research


Researchers Maximilian Koehler, PhD candidate at ESMT, and Henry Sauermann, professor of strategy at ESMT, explore the role of AI, not as a “worker” performing specific research tasks such as data…

Künstliche Intelligenz kann Schlüsselrollen im Management wissenschaftlicher Forschung übernehmen


Maximilian Köhler, Doktorand an der ESMT, und Henry Sauermann, Professor für Strategy an der ESMT, erforschen die Rolle der KI nicht als “Arbeiter”, der spezifische Forschungsaufgaben wie…

ESMT Berlin students present DigitalFuture Summit 2024


This year’s speakers include:Amitai Golub, Partner MIcompany, former McKinsey Antonio Batinovic, CMO, Holzrichter Berlin & Content Creator Axel Weichert, Director of Customer, Data & Commerce…

Studierende der ESMT Berlin präsentieren DigitalFuture Summit 2024


Zu den diesjährigen Referierenden gehören:Amitai Golub, Partner bei MIcompany, ehemals McKinseyAntonio Batinovic, CMO, Holzrichter Berlin & Content Creator Axel Weichert, Director of Customer, Data &…

The true cost of (not) going green – The business of environmental sustainability


“Businesses can play a major role in contributing to economic, environmental, and social progress, especially when they minimize the adverse impacts of their operations, supply chains, and other…

Firms with exclusive networks excel by 7% in market crises


This finding emerges from a collaborative study by Matthew S. Bothner, professor of strategy and Deutsche Telekom Chair holder at ESMT Berlin, together with Nghi Truong, an ESMT Berlin alumna now on…