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Panel discussion on CSR reporting

Faculty & Research

Corporate social responsibility reporting - first experiences April 29, 2019 at 18:00 ESMT Berlin, Schlossplatz 1, 10178 Berlin   Two years have passed since the adoption of the CSR Directive…

Library and Information Center

Faculty & Research

Information Center online industry, market and country reports journal and magazine articles company financials and ratings statistics news online catalogue Information Center on the ESMT Berlin…

Principles & topics

Faculty & Research

Our core principles Accounting research that matters The CFRA uses rigorous methods to address research questions of practical relevance to financial reporting and auditing. It produces new insights…

Right on the money

Faculty & Research

How to help the right firms when (all) firms struggle   With whole economies shutting down, policymakers around the world deliberate how to keep “healthy” businesses that temporarily struggle alive…

MIM Rankings


Since the start of the ESMT Master’s in Management in 2014, the program has grown in size and stature. According to the rankings of the most important news and business magazines in Germany and…

Agility is (l)earned


Joseph Schumpeter coined this catchphrase to characterize market-based economies more than 100 years ago, but the acceleration of today’s product cycles and social practices, in particular in the…

A study shows how to find new ideas inside and outside the company


Companies know this. That’s why many seek to tap the potential of “open innovation” by encouraging their employees to scout for new ideas among external partners, such as universities, research…

What is the future of free trade?


The clear and unanimous commitment on the part of the last G20 summit in Hangzhou to create an open world economy — i.e., the rejection of protectionism and the promotion of trade and investment on a…