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Finance for Executives

Executive Education

It is imperative that executives assess the financial health of their organization, communicate with experts on this subject and formulate the right strategic responses.  Finance for Executives is a…

Mastering Negotiations

Executive Education

Negotiation is a vital skill for any leader, but it can be difficult to practice in real-life situations, where you’re unlikely to receive feedback or get opportunities to experiment with new tactics…

Souverän Verhandeln

Executive Education

Mastering the art of negotiation means adding value for your company, building stable business relationships and paving the way for long-term professional as well as personal success. Souverän…

Der Aufsichtsrat

Executive Education

The work of a Supervisory Board is intensive and complex - often influenced by legislators, shareholders and the public. Wirecard is a prominent negative example. The German Corporate Governance Code…

Executive Transition Program

Executive Education

The Executive Transition Program (ETP) prepares experienced senior-level managers and functional executives for the next stage of their career; the transition to general management.  Advancing to the…

Solid Growth - Winning with Business Strategies

Executive Education

Being an effective strategist requires a broad set of skills so that you can identify the right course of action and communicate it impactfully. Solid Growth – Winning with Business Strategies will…

An Innovation Sprint from Idea to Business

Executive Education

This course is a hands-on experience in which you have to generate your business idea in an accelerated environment. Entrepreneurship primarily addresses the challenges of going from generating an…

Bringing Technology to Market

Executive Education

Global markets are turbulent and their competitive landscapes are continually changing. New customer segments, low-cost competitors, new technologies, and innovative business models demand that…

Business Models for a Sustainable Energy Future

Executive Education

The energy sector is undergoing a radical transformation – in Germany, in Europe, but also on a global scale. The rise of decentralized energy generation leads to a range of new players and…

Finanzen für Executives

Executive Education

In their quarterly hustle to meet the numbers, managers rarely take the time to step back and consider how these numbers relate to the big picture or how their decisions and performance actually add…