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Julia Langdon strengthens faculty at ESMT Berlin


In her research, Julia Langdon focuses on how organizations can prevent key organizational members – senior executives, board members, and employees – from acting unethically by identifying the…

ESMT Berlin: flagship Executive Transition Program celebrates 20th anniversary


ETP targets experienced functional leaders who want to move into general management or have recently made such a career change and are now faced with the challenge of leading other leaders and taking…

Bayer partners with DEEP – Institute for Deep Tech Innovation at ESMT Berlin


The collaboration was organized through Leaps by Bayer, the Bayer investment branch. Leaps by Bayer advances the latest technologies in life sciences with the goal of fundamentally improving life for…

Beyond ChatGPT: Al, startups, and future opportunities


Yet, as reported in the Financial Times in 2019, the London-based venture capital firm MMC Ventures found no evidence that Al was an important part of the products offered by 40 percent of Europe's 2…

ESMT Berlin and Merantix introduce executive education with AI focus


“AI for Managers” is designed for mid-to-senior-level leaders and functional managers who want to leverage AI strategically. It will provide insights into the challenges and ethical considerations…

Three top business schools come together at the INNOVA Europe final held at Microsoft Italia HQ


Supported by Microsoft Italia, INNOVA Europe invited students from bachelor to master’s level to submit innovative proposals that address any one of the specific challenges outlined in the 17 UN…

Machines can make better decisions than humans, but how do we know when they’re actually accurate?


This phenomenon is known as algorithm aversion, and is often attributed to an inherent mistrust in machines. However, systematically overriding an algorithm may not necessarily stem from algorithm…

Lukasz Gadowski supports ESMT Berlin with Team Global Professorship for Disruptive Innovation


The Team Global Professorship for Disruptive Innovation will play a key role in the ESMT Master in Innovation and Entrepreneurship. The professorship should be filled by a highly experienced person…

Under the auspices of Angela Merkel’s former chief economist Lars-Hendrik Röller, ESMT Berlin launches Berlin Global Dialogue, a high-level forum to shape the future of the global economy in times of fragmentation


Berlin Global Dialogue is a new forum uniting policy and business leaders from around the world to find joint solutions for a global economy under pressure.  International business executives will…

ESMT Berlin: Dr. Jost Henkel Stiftung supports Industry Immersion Program in Africa with €60,000


The IIP was established as a partnership between the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) and ESMT. The six-month program is tuition-free and taught pro-bono by faculty from ESMT. It…