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Taking youth to the top


The first is global warming. Swedish teenager Greta Thunberg’s ability to mobilize thousands globally to militate against climate change is perhaps the most vivid example. According to the 2019…

Gaming the virus to win at virtual leadership


In the early months of 2020, the coronavirus crisis created the conditions for what has been dubbed “the world’s largest work-from-home experiment” – a chance for office workers around the world to…

Want your customer’s attention? Lower its cost.


Take the phone, for example. Before the advent of the smartphone, phone functions were much alike. The hardest choice for consumers might have been between the standard black model and the racy red…

A wake-up call for the corporate world


January 2020 was the warmest January since temperatures started being systematically recorded more than 140 years ago, according to both the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and…

In hiring, the less you know, the more you’ll grow


In the show, she is portrayed as one of the very few female tech talents at Mythic Quest and, as we learn throughout the series arc, one of the few female leaders in an industry known for its…

The current frontier in industrial manufacturing: bringing software systems to market


European industrial manufacturers have opened a new battleground. While they traditionally competed by selling machines along with machine operation software, they increasingly try to bring software…

Three lessons leaders can learn from Don Quixote about strategizing


The Spanish writer Miguel de Cervantes penned Don Quixote in the early 1600s. He could have little imagined how relevant its lessons would remain today, in an age of big data and machines. Yet the…

The luck bluff


In his 2005 bestselling book, Blink, Canadian journalist Malcolm Gladwell noted a seemingly bizarre fact about his work with Fortune 500 leaders. “In the U.S. population, about 14.5 percent of all…

The data duels of decision making


You are teaching students about decision science to affect leadership decisions. How well has it been received? The research on decision science has become more and more popular. We have learned that…

Russia in Europe: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow


Today would have been the 90th birthday of Hans Dietrich Genscher – a remarkable German political figure and a truly wonderful human being. It is in large part thanks to him that I am a free man and…