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New ESMT Berlin research shows how to weed out bad ideas at the early stages of open innovation using data from the LEGO IDEAS platform


This research was conducted by Linus Dahlander, professor of strategy at ESMT and holder of the Lufthansa Group Chair in Innovation, in collaboration with Michela Beretta and Lars Frederiksen of…

How do you get exactly what you want in a negotiation? Use this simple sentence


Most people assume that you can either be friendly in a negotiation and satisfy your counterpart or get exactly what you want, but these two outcomes do not have to be mutually exclusive. Martin…

Post-Brexit executive education program designed by ESMT Berlin wins international award


The core of the partnership is Enterprise Ireland’s “Enter the Eurozone” executive education program, designed and delivered by ESMT. It aims at accelerating the number of Irish small and medium…

ESMT Berlin professor awarded 1.5 million euro grant for research on digital markets


Bedre-Defolie’s project “Digital Platforms: Pricing, Variety, and Quality Provision” (DIPVAR) will receive €1.49 million between 2020 and 2024. This includes funding of several new positions for post…

ESMT Berlin and Volkswagen expand research on diversity in organizations with endowed chair


“Tatiana Lluent is an impressive appointment for the position, and we look forward to the joint exchange around the promotion of women and diversity in terms of nationality, origin, and identity,”…