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What would a 'Brexit' mean for Europe?


Europe faces one of its most challenging situations in decades and stands at the crossroads. A Brexit could trigger similar movements in other EU countries, in the Netherlands for instance, and…

Innovation challenge: Why companies kill great projects and how to avoid this happening


“It’s not fair.” All parents have heard this statement from their children, and all developers have said it more than once. In the race for R&D budgets within companies, project leaders whose…

A proposal for GH7/G20 policy coordination to strengthen global productivity and output growth


The progressive integration of the global economy over the past 70 years has achieved massive increases in output and per capita income and has brought millions of people out of poverty. But now…

At ESMT Berlin, Bitcoin pays off


ESMT students have been welcome to pay their tuition with bitcoin since December 2016, when ESMT became the first German university to accept bitcoin as payment. In the interview, Garlichs explains…

ESMT Berlin offers scholarships for women in IT leadership positions


One of the scholarships is provided in cooperation with the 30% Club, a worldwide initiative for gender equality aiming to increase the number of women in management positions. The application…

ESMT Berlin vergibt Stipendien für Frauen in IT-Führungspositionen


Eines der Stipendien ist gemeinsam mit dem 30% Club ausgeschrieben, einer weltweiten Initiative für Geschlechtergleichheit, die u.a. darauf abzielt, die Anzahl von Frauen in Führungspositionen zu…

ESMT Berlin celebrates German Diversity Day


The school celebrates this by taking part in the initiative’s German Diversity Day today. At an internal event, hosted by the ESMT Inclusive Leadership Roundtable (ILRT), staff, faculty, and students…

ESMT Berlin feiert Deutschen Diversity-Tag


Die ESMT nimmt an dem durch die Initiative ins Leben gerufenen Deutschen Diversity-Tag teil, der am heutigen Dienstag stattfindet. Bei einer internen Veranstaltung, die vom ESMT Inclusive Leadership…

Second Global Network survey: challenges remain for women in global business


The results show that women are still underrepresented in business leadership roles worldwide, which can be traced back to specific reasons including the reconciliation of work and family life and…

Zweite Global Network-Umfrage: Herausforderungen für Frauen in internationalen Unternehmen bleiben bestehen


Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Frauen in Führungspositionen weltweit nach wie vor unterrepräsentiert sind, was insbesondere auf die Vereinbarung von Berufs- und Familienleben sowie die Möglichkeit, aus…