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Helene Pleil

Faculty & Research

Research Associate at DSI, ESMT Berlin

Joanna Radeke

Faculty & Research

Director, ESMT Institute for Sustainable Transformation

Lilly Schmidt

Faculty & Research

Research Associate and Program Lead at DSI, ESMT Berlin

Richard Skalt

Faculty & Research

Richard Skalt is a manager at the Digital Society Institute (DSI) at the European School of Management and Technology (ESMT Berlin).

Heli Tiirmaa-Klaar

Faculty & Research

Heli Tiirmaa-Klaar is the director of the Digital Society Institute at ESMT Berlin.

Baris Efe

Faculty & Research

Manager and Co-Founder at Vali Berlin | Empowering entrepreneurship at ESMT Berlin

Veränderungsinitiativen führen

Executive Education

Prepare to successfully lead change initiatives at your organization with Veränderungsinitiativen führen.   By looking at the main levers for successful change, this program teaches you how to…

Veränderungsinitiativen führen

Executive Education

Das Seminar Veränderungsinitiativen führen bereitet Sie auf die Herausforderungen vor, die mit der Einführung und Umsetzung von Veränderungen in Organisationen einhergehen. Zu diesem Zweck…