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ESMT Berlin begrüßt zwei neue Fakultätsmitglieder


Im Juli wurde Tatiana Lluent Inhaberin des neuen Volkswagen Group Junior Chair for Diversity in Organizations und gleichzeitig als Assistant Professor of Strategy an der ESMT Berlin berufen. Ihr…

ESMT Berlin welcomes two new faculty members


In July, Tatiana Lluent joined ESMT as the Volkswagen Group Junior Chair for Diversity in Organizations and as an assistant professor of strategy. Her main research interest lies in understanding the…

In corporate transformation, learning is a leadership imperative


Over the last two decades, the automotive industry has undergone a profound transformation. A number of factors have driven this disruption: Regulators have pushed for emission-free, carbon-neutral…

Same dataset, same research question, 29 different analyses – new research at ESMT Berlin shows potential variance in academic research


The research seeks to understand what drives decisions in data analyses and the process through which academics test a hypothesis by comparing the analyses of different researchers who tested the…

To win with AI, focus on our humanity


The bacteria have developed resistance and the number of deaths is on track to hit ten million a year, making the tragedy of Covid-19 pale by comparison. Scientists have tried for decades to find a…

Predicting burn-out risk in the digital era


“Nineteen years ago, my ‘perfect’ life fell apart. I had no energy. I could not handle sound, light, or movement. I could not focus or handle information. I could not eat, sleep, or cry. My hard disk…

Governing the digital ID – How Germany and the EU plan to reclaim our digital sovereignty


The implementation of digital identity schemes at the national level offers huge economic potential for countries. According to one study from McKinsey Global Institute, countries that implement a…

DigitalFuture Summit 2021 at ESMT Berlin: Leaders and students discuss digital future


More than 30 leading companies will participate in this year’s DigitalFuture Summit, including ABInBev, Hubert Burda Media, Daimler, Henkel, Roche, and SAP. In various panel discussions, workshops,…

DigitalFuture Summit 2021 an der ESMT Berlin: Führungskräfte und Studierende diskutieren über digitale Zukunft


Über 30 führende Unternehmen werden in diesem Jahr am DigitalFuture Summit teilnehmen, darunter ABInBev, Hubert Burda Media, Daimler, Henkel, Roche, und SAP. In zahlreichen Podiumsdiskussionen,…

International CEOs discuss the future of Europe at ESMT Annual Forum 2021


The conference, taking place today at ESMT Berlin, provides insights into the interdependence of global technological, economic, and social challenges. The coronavirus crisis has accelerated…