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Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI)


ESMT Berlin strives for an inclusive, diverse, and equitable working and learning environment.

Vielfalt, Gleichstellung und Inklusion (DEI)


ESMT Berlin strebt eine inklusive, diverse und gleichberechtigte Arbeits- und Lernumgebung an.

Finding work/life/EMBA balance


It can be difficult to juggle the demands of a full-time career, family, and an Executive MBA program. ESMT’s modular format by design gives you many advantages. By studying on-site one week at a…

Tag des offenen Denkmals


Besuchen Sie uns zum Tag des offenen Denkmals am Sonntag, den 10. September 2023. Zwischen 11 und 17 Uhr (letzte Führung beginnt um 16 Uhr) führen Mitarbeitende stündlich über den historischen Campus…

MIM employment report


Discover how our latest MIM graduates have fared in the job market.          

Breaking barriers for women of color entrepreneurs in Europe


Because of race and gender, founders who are women of color often face significant barriers, including poor representation and limited access to funding in investment circles. Creating supportive…

Here comes the sun – how decentralized energy benefits business and the planet


Klara Lindner is a researcher and consultant on renewable energy solutions and the co-founder of Mobisol. Christoph Burger is a senior lecturer at ESMT Berlin, with a research focus on blockchain…

Chengwei Liu reveals the business side of luck


Chengwei Liu joined ESMT Berlin as an associate professor of strategy and behavioral science in the summer of 2019, coming from Warwick Business School. He has also taught at Cambridge, Oxford, and…

The future of fashion – between sustainability and desirability


Ina Budde is the co-founder and CEO of, a sustainability-focused agency in fashion and textiles. After she studied fashion design, she soon realized that she didn’t want to…