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Book release: Framers: Human Advantage in an Age of Technology and Turmoil


  The authors Cukier, Mayer-Schönberger, and de Véricourt demonstrate the importance of framing in an age of growing dominance of artificial intelligence (AI) and huge global challenges, such as…

German Federal Criminal Police Office and Digital Society Institute host cybercrime conference at ESMT Berlin


For two days, national and international experts from the fields of IT security, politics, business, and science will present and discuss new findings and possible approaches to the topic of…

Bundeskriminalamt und Digital Society Institute richten Cybercrime-Konferenz an der ESMT Berlin aus


Zwei Tage lang werden nationale und internationale Expertinnen und Experten aus den Bereich IT-Security, Politik, Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft neue Erkenntnisse und mögliche Vorgehensweisen rund um…

ESMT Berlin partners with SuperCharger Ventures and The Future of Management Education Alliance to improve learning experiences


The central aim of the partnership is to boost the use of new technologies and university-startup partnerships to improve overall student learning experiences. SuperCharger Ventures will act as an…

EFMD Case Writing Competition

Executive Education

HCI sponsors the yearly EFMD Case Writing Competition in the category "Hidden Champions". This category welcomes cases examining the current and future challenges of hidden champions. Examples of…

Climate Governance Initiative Germany startet


Die Bedeutung des Klimawandels für das Risikomanagement, die Finanzierung und die Strategie von Unternehmen wächst. Die Chancen und Herausforderungen der Transformation hin zur Klimaneutralität sind…

ESMT Berlin launches Global Online MBA


ESMT’s first completely online program is modular and allows students to study at their own pace. Decision-making, analytics, and innovation are at the core of the program. The innovative course…

ESMT Berlin startet „Global Online MBA“


Der erste vollständige Online-Studiengang der ESMT ist modular aufgebaut und ermöglicht den Studierenden, in ihrem ganz eigenen Tempo zu lernen. Entscheidungsfindung, Analytik und Innovation stehen…

When to downplay the severity of COVID-19 – ESMT Berlin study investigates how governments inform the public about a pandemic


The more unequal the disease’s economic impact, the less the government may exaggerate the severity. The study shows that governments are more likely to downplay the severity of COVID-19 if they…