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Paving the Way into the Future of Cyberspace: The Global Digital Compact

Faculty & Research

In 2024, the UN will host a global "Summit for the Future". UN Secretary General António Guterres has proposed, to use this gathering of world leaders to adopt a "Global Digital Compact" (GDC). The…

[ITSR.sys] Workshop: Was folgt aus NIS 2? Neue Pflichten für die IT-Sicherheit von KRITIS-Betreibern und dem Mittelstand

Faculty & Research

Mit dem Inkrafttreten der NIS-2 Richtlinie diesen Januar beginnt die Phase der nationalen Umsetzung. Die NIS-2 Richtlinie ist dabei eines aus einer Reihe von nationalen und Europäischen Gesetzes…

[ITSR.sys] Ergebnispräsentation

Faculty & Research

Die Bedeutsamkeit der Förderung von IT-Sicherheit - auch durch effektive Regulierung - rückt vor dem Hintergrund aktueller Krisen und Angriffe auf Kritische Infrastruktur weiter in den öffentlichen…

The transformative power of edtech in executive education


Edtech is rapidly evolving – offering new opportunities for learning, skills development, and peer exchange. Rather than wholly displacing traditional education methods, blended approaches in edtech…

Inclusive gaming: A talk with EA's Amanda Hawthorne


It goes beyond gender, including considerations of race, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, and socioeconomic status, among others. The gaming industry, which connects people worldwide,…

Cyber Policy and Digital Diplomacy

Faculty & Research

Cyberspace constitutes the fifth domain of warfare and geopolitical tensions are shifting to cyberspace. Armament processes can be observed and the danger of military escalation is increasing. In an…

Contact a student


Our student ambassadors are here to help you understand what it means to study at ESMT Berlin and to be part of the Master or MBA experience. There is no better way to understand the benefit of…

Cyber Resilience and Norms Workshop

Faculty & Research

As part of the German Federal Foreign Office's conference "Shaping Cybersecurity" on September 27 in Potsdam, the Digital Society Institute organized a workshop on "Cyber Resilience and Norms for…